Découvrez comment ELEMENTA, avec ses plaques de grès exclusives conçues par LA FABBRICA AVA, peut transformer votre espace en une ambiance unique et sophistiquée.
Nos tables sont conçues pour rehausser n’importe quelle pièce, en offrant élégance et modernité.

3 modèles
pour tous les styles et tous les besoins

Chaque modèle de ELEMENTA est conçu pour répondre à vos besoins et refléter votre style, en offrant des solutions d’ameublement qui subliment votre espace avec élégance et fonctionnalité.

Choisissez la table parfaite pour votre espace parmi nos trois modèles exclusifs :

La table rectangulaire, un classique intemporel
avec des lignes essentielles, parfaite pour les parfaites pour les environnements modernes et traditionnels.

La table courbe, alliant tradition et innovation et l’innovation avec des formes arrondies, pour ceux qui recherchent un design distinctif et sophistiqué. un design distinctif et sophistiqué.

La table ronde idéale pour les espaces qui echerchent une touche d’élégance et de convivialité.


Choisissez parmi 6 designs exclusifs pour personnaliser votre table et lui donner une touche d’originalité. Chaque pied est conçu pour mettre en valeur la beauté de votre plateau et créer un meuble unique. Découvrez notre collection de pieds et trouvez la combinaison parfaite pour vous.

Consultez le catalogue pour vérifier la disponibilité de chaque pied sur les différents modèles.

Vetro e gres:
un connubio perfetto
tra trasparenza
e matericità

La transparence du verre, disponible en blanc et noir, rencontre la robustesse du grès cérame. Le collage sous vide à chaud et la coupe à 45° créent un effet visuel saisissant, avec des bords fins et sans imperfections.
Choisissez une table unique en son genre et transformez votre espace en un environnement raffiné et sophistiqué.

Pour plus de détails, voir le catalogue Elementa.

ALL-OVER est une technique qui permet de reproduire la texture de la plaque céramique sur le bord, réimprimée numériquement sur la portion de surface sélectionnée, de manière fidèle à la graphique d’origine.

Ce traitement est le fruit d’une technologie de production innovante, accordée en exclusivité et faisant l’objet d’une demande de brevet, capable de créer un effet texturé des surfaces en grès porcelainé beaucoup plus réaliste, maintenant une continuité de texture qui descend du plan et se prolonge tout au long de l’épaisseur.

Les plaques de ELEMENTA TABLES sont dotées d’un tapis au dos, assurant une plus grande stabilité et résistance.

La technologie ALL-OVER est disponible sur une sélection de dalles.
Voir le catalogue Elementa pour plus de détails.

La gamme de plateaux en grès

Découvrez notre gamme de dalles en grès, qui capturent l’essence authentique du marbre, de la pierre et du béton.
Chaque design est associé à du verre blanc ou noir, comme indiqué à côté de chacun.

Le motif de la dalle présenté est purement indicatif, car il appartient à une gamme plus large de graphiques aléatoires. Chaque table sera unique et inimitable, garantissant un élément distinctif et exclusif pour votre décoration intérieure.

Découvrez la gamme

Téléchargez les instructions de montage

Désirez-vous plus d’informations?

Nous sommes là pour vous aider à réaliser votre projet.
Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour recevoir plus de détails sur nos tables exclusives Elementa.

Dear Sir/Madam, we wish to inform you that the personal data you have provided is subject to processing in line with the data Privacy Privacy indicated on the back, which adhere to principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of your confidentiality and rights, particularly in reference to integrity, confidentiality, personal identity and your right to personal data protection.

Privacy policy

In compliance with art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 (the “Data Protection Regulation”), LA FABBRICA S.p.A. wishes to inform all users and/or visitors of the web site www.lafabbrica.it (the “Users” and the “Site”, respectively) of how it will use personal data, log files and cookies collected through the Site.


  1. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller of personal data is LA FABBRICA S.p.A. (tax code 04662671009, VAT no. 01275570396), with registered offices at Via Emilia Ponente, 2070, 48014 – Castel Bolognese (RA), certified e-mail address lafabbricaspa@ticertifica.it (hereinafter referred to as the “Data Controller”).


  1. Information is collected through the Site:
  2. a) automatically


  • Browsing data:

The computer systems and software procedures that operate the Site acquire a number of items of personal data during ordinary operation, the transmission of which is implicit in use of internet communication protocols.

These data, which are necessary for use of web services, are also processed for the purpose of:

  • obtaining statistical information on use of services
  • checking that the services offered are functioning properly.

Browsing data are not kept for more than 26 months (unless required for criminal investigations by judicial authorities).


  1. b) provided by the user


– Data provided by the user:

Optional, explicit, voluntary submission of data by filling in various forms present on the Site involving acquisition of the sender’s contact information, necessary for fulfilling requests for contact, services, or assignment of access credentials for restricted areas on the Site.


  1. c) in the form of cookies


The Site uses cookies, for information on which the reader is referred to the complete information on “Cookie Policy ”


3) Type of personal data, purposes, legal basis and storage time

The personal data requested and supplied is needed to permit access to the Site and use of the following services:


Type of service: Contact Us area for products

Type of personal data collected: identifying information, contact information (such as e-mail, telephone numbers…)

Purposes: acquiring information on Site users by filling in appropriate forms in order to respond to requests to be contacted for information or sales purposes (Contact Us area)

Legal basis: consent/execution of contract

Storage time: 24 months from acquisition or from renewal of contact


Type of service: newsletter service;

Type of personal data collected: identifying information, e-mail contact information.

Purposes: to contact subscribers and send them a periodic newsletter on the company’s activities (NEWSLETTER)

Legal basis: consent

Storage time: 24 months or until consent is revoked


Data is processed for the purposes listed above in compliance with the Data Protection Regulation and all specific legislation governing the sector.

The data supplied will be processed primarily by computer under the Data Controller’s authority, by specifically appointed persons who are authorised and instructed in data processing under articles 28 and 29 of the Data Protection Regulation. Note that appropriate security measures are taken in compliance with art.5 and 32 of the Data Protection Regulation to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper use or unauthorised access.


4) Obligatory or optional nature of consent for providing data

Providing your data is optional, but you will not be able to use some of the services offered on our Site if you do not provide it.


5) In what circumstances your data may be disclosed

Data may be disclosed to the following parties, within the EU and in compliance with the Data Protection Regulation:

(1) financial authorities and/or other public authorities, where required by law or requested by them;

(2) to external organisations, parties and companies whose services the Data Controller uses for activities connected to, instrumental for or consequent upon execution of services on the Site

Information collected automatically by the Site may also be transferred to a Third Party’s cloud server outside the EU, if this type of processing is necessary to provide services on the Site. The legal basis of this processing is therefore art. 49, paragraph 1, letter b of the Data Protection Regulation.


6) Security measures

Data is processed through the Site in compliance with the applicable legislation and using appropriate security measures in compliance with current legislation, also under art. 5 and 32 of the Data Protection Regulation.

In this regard, appropriate security measures are taken to prevent unauthorised access, theft, dissemination, modification or unauthorised destruction of the data processed.


7) Rights

Note that you may exercise your rights under art. 15 et seq. of the Data Protection Regulation at any time by sending a written request to the Data Controller at the addresses specified, with the goal of obtaining:

  • confirmation whether your personal data is held or not, identifying its origin, checking its accuracy or requesting its updating, correction or integration;
  • access to or deletion of your data, or limitation of the processing thereof;
  • conversion into anonymous form or freezing of data processed in violation of the law.

You may also object to processing of personal data already supplied.

With reference to the Newsletter, note that you may request cancellation of your subscription through a link or button provided for the purpose.


8) Changes to the Personal Data Protection Notice

The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this Personal Data Protection Notice, replacing the previous versions. This Personal Data Protection Notice was issued in January 2021.

Retour en haut

Aesthetica Hegel

Glass white

Aesthetica Wilde

Glass white

Onice Iride Argento

Glass black

Onice Iride Avorio

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Calacatta Oro

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